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Protect, advance women for a better South Sudan: Pope Francis



Christian leaders

Pope Francis joined other Christian leaders and the UN on Saturday in urging the protection and advancement of women in South Sudan, where rape has been a weapon of war, child brides are common and most girls do not reach secondary education.

The rights of girls and women were a recurring theme on the penultimate day of the pope’s visit to South Sudan, an unprecedented joint “pilgrimage of peace” with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Church of Scotland Moderator Iain Greenshields.

Please, protect, respect, appreciate and honour every woman, every girl, young woman, mother and grandmother. Otherwise, there will be no future,” the pope said during a meeting of the three leaders with people displaced by conflict.

Later, Welby returned to the theme in his address to about 50 000 people at an ecumenical prayer vigil at a mausoleum to South Sudan’s liberation hero John Garang. Young men, you will value and honour women, never raping, never violent, never cruel, never using them as if they were there to satisfy desire,” he said.

Pope Francis

“Women of South Sudan, I know that on top of the grief of conflict and the responsibility to provide for your families, many of you live with the trauma of sexual violence and the daily fear of mistreatment in your own homes”.

A United Nations report on South Sudan issued last March condemned widespread sexual violence against women and girls in conflict and said it was “fuelled by systemic impunity”. The report said, “widespread rape is being perpetrated by all armed groups across the country, often as part of military tactics for which government and military leaders are responsible”.

South Sudan broke away from Sudan in 2011 but plunged into civil war in 2013 with ethnic groups turning on each other. Despite a 2018 peace deal between the two main antagonists, bouts of inter-ethnic fighting have continued to kill and displace large numbers of civilians.

At the event where the three religious leaders heard accounts from children living in displaced persons camps, the resident UN humanitarian coordinator in South Sudan, Sara Beysolow Nyanti, also raised the issue of pervasive sexual violence against women and girls.

The pope responded by calling on everyone in South Sudan “to ensure that women are protected, respected, valued and honoured”. Francis said that if women are given opportunities “they will have the ability to change the face of South Sudan, to give it a peaceful and cohesive development!”

Sister Orla Treacy, an Irish member of the Loreto Sisters religious order who runs a school in Rumbek, north of the capital, and works to prevent child marriages, said less than 5% of girls finish secondary school. About 10% of 15-year-old girls and 52% of 18-year-old girls in South Sudan are married, she said.

Treacy and a group of students had walked about 200 km (125 miles) from Lakes State to see the pope. She said the governor of that region had recently signed a decree promising to stop child marriages.

South Sudan has the world’s highest maternal mortality rate, according to the World Bank, and poverty and hunger are rife across the country, with two-thirds of the population needing humanitarian assistance as a result of conflict as well as three years of catastrophic floods.

Source: eNCA

In other news – Shauwn Mkhize (MaMkhize) rubbishes Tottenham Hotspur deal

R1 billion proposal to sponsor an English football club, Tottenham Hotspur has seen widespread backlash from South Africans, including local soccer bosses like Royal AM’s Shauwn Mkhize, aka MaMkhize.

Shauwn Mkhize

Earlier in the week, Daily Maverick revealed that the Department of Tourism, under its marketing division SA Tourism had forged ahead with the lucrative proposal, despite the backlash. Learn more

Zimbabwe News

United Nations Peace ambassador, Apostle Paul Aigbokhan calls for peaceful protest



Paul Aigbokhan

Nigeria was once hailed as one of Africa’s strongest and greatest nations, but recent years have seen a troubling decline marked by economic downturn, rising insecurity, and deteriorating international standing. The hardships faced by citizens have become unbearable, with many struggling to survive. It is in this context that the youth, the backbone of our nation, are stepping forward to demand change.

To the vibrant and passionate youths of Nigeria, your right to protest is enshrined in our constitution. It is a powerful tool for expressing dissent and demanding accountability. However, it is crucial to remember that the effectiveness of your message is amplified when delivered peacefully. Vandalizing property and engaging in violence not only undermines the legitimacy of your cause but also puts innocent lives at risk.

Peaceful protest is not a sign of weakness; it is a testament to your strength and maturity. It shows that you are capable of demanding change without resorting to destruction. Let us honor the legacy of past leaders who fought for our rights with dignity and respect for human life.

A Call to the Government and Political Leaders

To our government and political leaders, the voices of the people are crying out for change. It is your duty to listen and act. The grievances being expressed are not new; they reflect years of neglect and mismanagement. The time for empty promises is over. Concrete actions are needed to address the economic challenges, improve security, and restore Nigeria’s standing on the global stage.

The youths of Nigeria are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the leaders of today. They deserve a government that listens to their concerns and works tirelessly to create a better future for all. Engaging in open dialogue and taking decisive steps to address the issues at hand will not only alleviate the current crisis but also rebuild the trust between the government and the people.

As the protests is on, let us all remember that our common goal is to build a better Nigeria. This can only be achieved through peaceful and constructive actions. To the youths, march with purpose and resolve, knowing that your peaceful stance speaks volumes. To the government and political leaders, hear the cries of your people and take meaningful steps to make things right.

Source: vanguardngr

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South Africa News

Godswill Akpabio advocates reduction in cost of governance



Godswill Akpabio

The President of the Senate, Godswill Akpabio, has called for transparency, accountability and the elimination of unnecessary expenditures to cut down on the cost of governance in the country. Akpabio made the call on Monday at a one-day dialogue on the cost of governance in Nigeria organized by the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies, NILDS, in Abuja.

Akpabio, who was represented by Sen. Agom Jarigbe (PDP-Rivers) highlighted the possible factors contributing to the high cost of governance in the country.He said the size of the country’s bureaucracy, the escalating public service wage bills, the overhead costs of appointed public officials, and the salaries and allowances of elected officials are major factors.

According to him, the running of government institutions among other substantial components contributed to weighing down the economy and hindering development efforts. Let us hold ourselves accountable and take responsibility for the betterment of our nation. We have to ensure that our government operates efficiently and effectively, serving the needs of the people and fostering sustainable development,” he said.

The president of the senate emphasized the need to streamline bureaucracy, eliminate unnecessary expenditures, and ensured transparency and accountability at all levels of governance. We must invest in our human capital, empowering our public officials with the necessary skills and knowledge to drive progress.

“And we must foster a culture of innovation and creativity, where new ideas can flourish and transform our nation,” he said.Akpabio urged all Nigerians to remain united, become agents of change and be committed to making sacrifices for the nation. He said that the 10th Assembly was ready to partner with all stakeholders to do everything within its constitutional powers to make Nigeria for all citizens.

Source: pmnewsnigeria

In other news – Bad leaders making the life of Nigerians miserable – Pastor Giwa

The senior pastor of Awaiting The Second Coming Of Christ Ministry, Adewale Giwa, on Sunday, lamented that the economic situation in Nigeria has gone from bad to worse under President Bola Tinubu.

Adewale Giwa

The clergyman noted that bad leaders were intentionally making life miserable for Nigerians. Read more

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Zimbabwe News

Chinese national Li Song accused in Cynide scandal in Zimbabwe



Chinese national Li Song

A Chinese national who was arrested yesterday at the Harare magistrate court on allegations of smuggling more than 100 tonnes of Cynide has claimed to be a diplomat.

Li Song who is facing several allegations that include money laundering, extenalisation, theft and attempted murder has been released by the National Prosecuting Authority to the amusement of the complainants who have a solid evidence against her.

According to the source who attended the vetting process Li Song claimed to be a diplomat who is immune from arrest in the country and the members of Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission went to the Chinese embassy to verify her claim..

According to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission officers Somg was taken to Avondale police station cells for verification.

The notorious Chinese national has been implicated in various offences in the country and is also suspected to be one of the suspect in the poisoning of elephants with Cynide in the country.

Song is accused of externalizing more than US$11 million to an offshore bank account and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is a complainant in the case.

Song was arrested at the Harare magistrates court by members of Zacc and is expected to appear in court today.

According to the source Li improtedd more than 100 tonnes of Cynide but was later found with 40 tonnes which was stores at different places in a bid to use it in court to obstruct the course of justice.

Li was recently summons to appear in court on May 21 on allegations of externalization and moneylaundering which Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is the complainant.

She is accused of externalizing US$11 million through the central bank after manufacturing invoices to get forex at the bank’s auction system.

The Chinese national who is also referred as a defacto ambassador of China is also facing allegations of attempting to kill her business partner Franesco Marconati who is the owner of Eagle Italian Leather and Shoes.

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