This Philly-inspired breakfast cheesesteak piles chicken sausage, peppers and cheese atop thick slices of French toast. Ingredients 6 large eggs, divided 2 tablespoons milk 4 thick...
People are surprised when they taste this salad with the odd combination of ingredients, but it’s a very very good salad. Ingredients 12 slices bacon 2...
Melts in your mouth and its easy!!! Serve over rice or egg noodles. Ingredients 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 medium onion, chopped 2 pounds cubed beef...
Chicken thighs cooked on the stove with a hearty sauce of spinach, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, garlic, and sofrito. The lower the heat, the longer the cooking...
You can serve them as snacks, sandwiches, or as dinner with rice and a veggie on the side. you can also dip them in horseradish and...
A case of malicious damage to city property, assault and obstruction of justice has been opened. This after an attack on two law enforcement officers in...
Abahlali basemjondolo closed the routes going in and coming out of Mayville on Saturday and Sunday after a community member was shot and killed on Friday...
The Life Esidimeni inquest will resume on Monday after a week’s break with a special focus on evidence by medical experts. Initially, 36 witnesses were earmarked...