A succulent chicken dish sparkling with lemon and fresh pomegranate flavours. Recipe Ingredients * 1 onion, chopped * 3-4 cloves garlic, crushed * Olive oil *...
A batch of biscuits cooling on a wire tray is a lovely treat to come home to. This recipe is a great way to introduce kids...
A rich and creamy mocha chocolate drink mix with a hint of spice. Perfect to serve with rusks or biscotti. Recipe Ingredients 250ml granulated Coffee 125g...
Think of this recipe as a base for all future slow-cooked fish recipes. Feel free to switch up the citrus you use, or lose it altogether!...
Don’t confuse this with guacamole there’s way more depth of flavour, which makes it one of our favourite summer sides of all time. But the real...
This recipe is so simple, the hardest part is breaking down the cauliflower. To do so, take off the leaves at the base and cut around...
Get the kids involved in preparing this easy meal with you. It’s a great way to enjoy the holidays together. Recipe Ingredients 300g spaghetti 500g Lean...
A South African family favourite with our secret ingredient loved by all – Mrs Balls Chutney Recipe Ingredients – 30ml sunflower oil – 1 large onion,...
Prepare a basic beef, lamb or chicken stew, and top off with dumplings in the last 15 minutes, for a filling and warming meal. Recipe Ingredients...
There’s nothing better than a fresh boerie roll unless it’s a fresh boerie roll slathered with homemade tomato relish! Recipe Ingredients 3 tablespoons olive oil 2...