Sweet chilli turkey meatballs are delicious, tender and juicy, and quick and easy to make. Loaded with classic Thai flavours, these meatballs are baked and then...
Creamy broccoli slaw salad is healthy, delicious, and flavourful. It’s packed with crunchy vegetables, salty feta, sweet raisins, and a creamy dressing. INGREDIENTS – 3 cups...
Pumpkin puree makes a velvety, rich mac and cheese. Use pure pumpkin puree for this, not the can labelled “pumpkin pie mix” since that has spices...
These easy vegan blueberry muffins are light, fluffy and bursting with blueberries. Use our recipe as a base for other muffin recipes. Simply substitute the blueberries...
This easy avocado salad with cucumbers, lime, and cilantro could not be easier. Enjoy this as a side salad, as a chunky salsa or top larger...
Enjoy this simple Diwali treat in less than 30 minutes. Recipe Ingredients – 5ml butter + more for greasing – 12 raw almonds, chopped – 250ml...
A winter favourite that can be served around the fire, in lieu of dessert, after a winter braai. Recipe Ingredients – 1 cup butter, softened –...
Bored of veggie burgers and sausages? Try a pesto and cheese toasted sandwich on the braai. Recipe Ingredients – 8 slices of bread – 2 tablespoons...
The perfect fall salad with the creamiest poppy seed salad dressing. So good, you’ll want to make this all year long! INGREDIENTS: 4 slices bacon, diced...
Cheesy Chicken Fiesta Ingredients 1 Tbsp. vegetable oil 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken thighs 1 can (15 oz.) no salt added black beans 1 can (8.7...