Siyabonga Radebe has reportedly been admitted to a mental facility. The actor who portrayed Vikizitha Magwaza, in the SABC1 soapie is suspected that the...
President Bola Tinubu said he is not thinking about the upcoming 2027 general elections but instead dedicated to restructuring the economy for the benefit...
Veteran actress Tamara Jozi has died. The actress, who has featured in various SA productions and adverts, died on Tuesday. Her daughter, Ziyanda Jozi, confirmed the...
Twitter-discovered music sensation Killer Kau and amapiano artist Mpura Mpura have died. Sources confirmed to the publication that the pair were involved in a fatal car accident,...
Internationally acclaimed Black motion DJ Murdah Bongz and DJ Zinhle are straight-up relationship goals and their cuteness is only getting started as the pair...
Generations The Legacy star Letoya Makhene, is hard at work with preparations for her traditional wedding with her partner Lebo Keswa. The actress took...