Fitness and Training
Benefits of taking a glass of ghee-turmeric-milk everyday
A number of natural treatments and remedies that can benefit us in a variety of ways. One such remedy is the combination of Ghee and Turmeric in Milk.
Drinking a warm glass of milk before going to bed is often recommended but if you add ghee and turmeric to it, the combination will become even more effective.
A number of natural treatments and remedies that can benefit us in a variety of ways. One such remedy is the combination of Ghee and Turmeric in Milk.
Drinking a warm glass of milk before going to bed is often recommended but if you add ghee and turmeric to it, the combination will become even more effective.
Read on to know why you must inculcate this healthy practice in your daily lifestyle.
1. Strengthens digestive system
Those who often deal with stomach issues can benefit the most from this magical combination of Ghee & Turmeric with Milk. From aiding digestion to strengthening immunity and treating constipation to enhancing metabolism, Ghee-Turmeric-Milk combination offers a long list of benefits.
2. Reduces joint pain
While the calcium content in milk naturally aids in strengthening weak bones, ghee helps in the lubrication of joints. Ghee also contains vitamin K2, which is a key ingredient that helps the body in better absorption of calcium.
3. Glowing skin
The combination of ghee and milk provides a natural and deep moisturization to the skin. This combination is super beneficial for those who have dry skin, especially during winters. Regular consumption of Ghee and Milk will not only make your skin glow from within but can also help in clearing up spots and blemishes.
4. Relieves cold and cough
A change in season from summer to winter brings along with it common cold and cough. Get instant relief from cold and cough by drinking a warm glass of Ghee-Turmeric-Milk before going to bed. It will reduce the feeling of discomfort, soothe a sore throat and even significantly reduce the intensity of cough.
How to make it?
Add 1 tablespoon desi ghee to a pan. Let it heat up.
Now add 1 glass of milk to it and mix continuously.
Add 1 pinch of turmeric powder to it and whisk well.
Bring the milk to a boil, let it simmer for one more minute.
Switch off the flame and mix 1 tablespoon of jaggery powder to it.
You can also use stevia or any artificial sweetener to sweeten the milk.
Pour the milk into a glass and consume it warm.
Fitness and Training
5 health benefits of eating boiled eggs
Eggs are a very versatile food item. They are used in the preparation of a variety of dishes and can be made into a delicious dish solely by themselves as well.
Their versatility is proved by the fact that they are used in both sweet and savoury dishes.
Whether it is the frying batter for crispy chicken wings or a delightful cake—eggs are an important and integral ingredient of many dishes.
One of the most common forms in which eggs are consumed is by boiling them. Known as ‘boiled eggs’ , they are tasty, healthy, easy to make and take literally a few minutes to cook.
Here are a few health benefits of eating boiled eggs.
1. Help in weight loss
Hard-boiled eggs are an excellent source of lean protein. They will make you feel full without packing in too many calories, which is helpful if you want to lose weight. A lunch or dinner of two hard-boiled eggs and a cup of mixed vegetables contains just 274 calories.
2. Helps in prenatal bone strength
The protein in hard-boiled eggs works alongside vitamin D to promote prenatal development. These elements support your baby’s teeth, bones, and general growth throughout pregnancy.
3. Boosts metabolism
Eating a high-protein diet can enhance the metabolism through a process called the thermic effect of food. It happens because the body needs to use extra calories to digest and process nutrients in food. Eating boiled eggs help people to burn more calories than eating carbohydrates or fats. This gives a boost in metabolism.
4. A good source of choline
Choline is a nutrient that regulates the brain, nervous system and cardiovascular health. It helps maintain the structure of brain cell membranes, which helps relay messages from the brain to nerves and muscles. It also helps pregnant women with fetal brain development and prevents birth defects.
5. Good for eyes, hair and nails
Boiled eggs are especially beneficial to the eyes. Eating one daily may prevent macular degeneration because eggs contain the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin. Consuming boiled eggs may also lower the risk of cataracts. They also contain a high sulfur content and are a good source vitamin D. This helps grow healthy hair and nails.