Here is how viewers reacted to Mohale’s Rythm City debut. This follows after entertainment commentator, Phil Mphela broke the news of his casting on Twitter, which...
Andrew Lincoln has given an update about a planned The Walking Dead movie involving his character, Rick Grimes. Lincoln, who left the long-running show in 2018,...
Coming up on The Queen this September 2019 Monday 2 September 2019 Episode 26 Harriet realizes she has to handle her enemies, before Kagiso does. Mmabatho and...
Coming up on 7de Laan this September 2019: Monday 2 September 2019 Episode 4647 Connie makes a spur of the moment decision. Mariaan tries to wangle her way...
S’khaleni surprises his wife with a special treat and big dreams about the future. Phumelele struggles to come to terms with what she has done, and...
Coming up on Scandal! this September 2019: Monday 2 September 2019 Episode 3379 Chumani is intrigued when Yvonne makes him an attractive offer. Romeo is grateful...
Qhabanga and Nkunzi place each other at death’s door – one of them has to die. Khathaza and MaNgcobo have to reach an agreement on the...
Coming up on Generations: The Legacy this October 2019: Tuesday 1 October 2019 Episode 222 (1272) Tau agrees to something he never thought he would. Has Mrekza finally...
Nokwanda gets abducted; question is by who and why? Nosipho fights her feelings for Njeza for her sister’s sake. Uzalo airs Mondays to Fridays on SABC1 at...
Coming up on Generations: The Legacy this September 2019: Monday 2 September 2019 Episode 201 (1251) The brothers panic when Christine wants to see Tau. The wedding guests...